Our People

Research Component

Psychology Career

Bachelor Programme

Master Programme

Doctoral Programme

Welcome to Department of Psychology

Prof. Chang Lei

Chair Professor and Head of Department of Psychology

Ranked 10th in Asia and 126-150th in the World by THE World University Rankings 2025, we are a group of active researchers with diverse interests in psychology. Our expertise spans across developmental, cognitive, social, and evolutionary psychology, as well as applied disciplines in organizational psychology, clinical psychology, and global mental health. Some of our current research focuses include reading and language acquisition, perceptual and cognitive development, cross-cultural and social cognition, interpersonal relations and social dynamics, personality and attitudes, child development and life history, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity, addictions, trauma, AIDS care, subjective well-being and positive psychology.

With these diverse research backgrounds, this department provides solid education in psychology to undergraduate psychology majors, minors, and nonpsychology students. Psychology is one of the most popular undergraduate majors (ranked 4th in the USA by the NCES survey and 2nd in the UK according to the UCAS data and is among the fastest growing disciplines in China), partially because of its versatility in preparing students for wide-ranging career options. We prepare students for both applied and research-based careers in and out of psychology, such as human resource management, public relations, marketing, management, counseling, consulting, and education, and government and NGO works. Preparing for research careers, some of our graduates have been admitted to graduate schools at prestigious institutions worldwide (e.g., University of Toronto, UC San Diego, to name just a few). We also offer applied master’s and research PhD degrees in psychology. Our PhD students are trained to be rigorous researchers who work with faculty members on cutting-edge research.

In this fastest developing and most exciting moment of our university, I encourage eligible students to apply for our undergraduate and graduate degree programs, and I especially extend invitations to international students from Asia and all over the world to apply to our degree programs. Please visit our Global Affairs Office for information on international student admission and scholarship.

Lastest Notices

We offer several psychological courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students majoring in Psychology in Academic Year 2024/2025.

We provide various reference materials on working and studying opportunities to students for a successful career in psychology.

The university provides various postdoctoral and doctoral scholarships and faculty positions.